
Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Theories on our Solar System

 Morning ;)

And welcome back or welcome to my blog!

This here is Nadia, Valessa and my solar system slides. Obviously they aren't finished but we'll definitely be working on it and adding to it. Maybe if you have any personal questions you want to know maybe we will answer them.

My group will also be making a space diorama for our 'create'! We can't wait, it'll be very fun.


Monday, 24 May 2021

Fractions of a set

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This is my maths for today- it is about fractions of a set. I hope you enjoy, it was a bit hard.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Snorkelling Practice

On Friday last week, the Year 7's and I were able to practise snorkelling at the swimming pools. Although the water kept going into my snorkel, (because I kept diving too low) it was really fun to be able to have the experience. My highlight was having a race with Melissa and winning! Something I could've done better was probably to stop forgetting I have a snorkel on and to not dive too deep when I first start swimming but I'll get there.


Whats in the Water?

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

The Year 8's went to camp yesterday meaning it's just the Year 7's a couple Year 8's. For the next two days, they Year 7's will be stepping up and doing some fun rotations. Today we did science and this is the presentation.


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Equivalent Fractions

Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This was yesterdays maths I forgot to blog. It's all about equivalent fractions!


Thursday, 13 May 2021

Water Worries Y7

 Welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This is my water cycle task because while the Year 8's are at camp, the Year 7's and non campers will be going to Goat Island! For this trip, we are going to be learning a lot about Marine life this week and next week. Tomorrow we will be going to practise how to snorkel in the pools and the actual trip will be on Wednesday! 


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

The sun: homelearning/homework

 Welcome or welcome back to my blog!

For our homework, we had to list some facts about the sun. So I made a google drawing with facts about the sun, some are researched. I hope you like it and maybe learn something new!


Streets For Everyone- finished !

 Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Last term, the Extension group have been working on the Streets For Everyone project and after planning, brainstorming, designing and everything else, the activities have been installed and we had the chance to check it out this morning with Toby and Dory from Streets For Everyone!

It was so much fun checking out how awesome our activities ended up and Finau and I really liked our Spot The Food! The drawings were very, very realistic and cool so thank you to the person who drew them! My favourite activities though was probably Austin's one. It was a race with 2 players with different small fitness tasks like "5x Star Jumps" and with a star icon and, "3x Push Up's" or something like that.

It was all very fun to look at, here are some pictures!

(The Race Track Thing)

(Spot The Food!)


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

1.2 He tino pai

Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This here is my Te Reo task from today's rotations since the Year 8's went to tech. Last time we did Te Reo from rotations, we did "how are you?" and this time we are talking basically about answers to whether we like something or not. I don't know if I worded it correctly but check out the presentation and you might learn a few words in Te Reo.


Friday, 7 May 2021

Building a Raft

Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Today, my class (Room 4) was split into groups of 4 on their table and we had to build a boat/raft for plastic animals to float on with straws, tape, scissors and these frilly green things that were from the straws.

Of course, my group and I (which by the way, was Madi, Nina and Finau), decided to give our plastic Rhino a fashionable raft and outfit. Finau added a skirt thing and I added a little wig/hat. Then I added a plastic cardboard cut out sword from the straws and taped it onto the Rhino.

Luckily for us, our raft was a total success and managed to float on the water!
Our group worked really well together and this little challenge was so fun! Although, I'm pretty sure everybody's raft/creation floated but oh well.


What is the Earth?

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This morning, the Year 7's (not the Year 8's, they were at a camp meeting), did a presentation about the Earth and two of the four spheres we have that makes Earth: The Geosphere and the Biosphere. It's a bit short.


Thursday, 6 May 2021

The Earth: Homelearning/Homework

Welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This is my task for our homework. We had to make a facts sheet (or something like that), about the Earth so here's mine. Most facts I already knew and some I had to look online. Anyways, I hope you like it.



Morning ;) 

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Today we had Mathletics where the Room 4 maths class was split into different groups to compete in a math competition. My group was Norah-Jade, Lucian and Kauri. Each group were first given 2 sheets of paper of maths. Once those two were finished, we were given another set of 2 papers with different maths. 

While this was all going on, Mrs Stone and (I think maybe also Miss Hill), were giving out points to the different teams for things like teamwork and accuracy on the answers. My team came second to last. We were quite disappointed but it was quite hard anyways.


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Cultural/Language Barriers

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This morning at Extension, Miss West gave us each papers with a poem by a famous Maori poet called Hinewirangi. The poem was titled, "Barriers". Kiarah and Kalani read the poem out loud, (there were two different people in the poem).

The poem was about somebody talking with Hinewirangi, trying to pronounce her Maori name but failing to do so. Then we had to answer the questions next to the poem about it. The main topic about the poem was about the cultural/language barriers. At the bottom, we were given a choice to either make a poster visualising the idea of the poem or something else but I forgot.

Anyways, Nadia and I wanted to do a poster. Here it is:


Y7&8 Extension Provocation: Watch this Space

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

The following presentation is our first piece of Extension work for the term! Since our inquiry theme is, "Watch This Space" we'll be focusing a lot on our solar system. Miss West gave us a scenario shown on the first page of the slide deck. This project was really fun, I really enjoyed it!

The last page is a brainstorm of all the different projects we wanted to do/work on. Nadia and I wanted to make up/discover some theories about Mars, the Earth and what would happen to Earth if we moved to Mars? Potentially even theories about other galaxies and planets in other solar systems, (since our galaxy isn't the only one in the universe!).

Note: The colours on our names is the colour we write in on the different slides. My colour is mint/light green.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Earth Facts Animation

 Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Previously I blogged a "Earth Activity" task and for the create part, I decided to animate a presentation to state some facts BUT, I needed a character to say it to make things a little bit more interesting and I chose none other than... Richie Tozier from the movie IT! So, I placed his face onto a little rocket and made some speech bubbles with some facts about the Earth on it.

All you have to do is put the presentation into full screen, (for more affect) and then a bit slowly go to the next page because you'll want to be able to read the facts. But of course, not too slowly or else it'll end up looking weird.

Enjoy! :)

Watch This Space W1

Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This is my inquiry task about our planet Earth. We watched the video on the presentation as a class and we had to do this task back at our own tables. It was quite fun and the video was very intriguing.


1.1 Kei te pehea koe?

Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

This is my Te Reo rotations task we did today. It's about saying "How are you" in Te Reo. I hope you learn something new.


Earth Activity

 Morning ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Today's literacy task is about the Earth and a few honourable mentions of Mars. I hope you enjoy and I'm pretty sure this task was meant to be for the whole week, but I finished it so.. oop-

Anyways, I hope you learn something new!


Monday, 3 May 2021

Watch This Space Term 2 Immersion Assembly

 Good Afternoon ;)

And welcome or welcome back to my blog.

Today is the first day back at school and we have officially started Term 2. The theme for this term is "Watch This Space"! We'll be learning all about the solar system, galaxy and universe! This blog post is a recap of the assembly we had this morning.

The assembly started off with Mr Burt explaining to us how we're children of the navigators. Mr Jacobson then showed and brought a sixton. He explained the way it works to us, it was quite fascinating. After that, Mrs Nua performed an amazing little play/skit of how she was dropped off in the middle of nowhere and didn't know how to get back home.

She didn't know how to read a map either which added to the comedy of the act. Then Mr Somerville told us how GPS works and he also showed us images of his watch that can actually tell him where he was! It looked super cool and it comes in handy.

Now for the moment we've been waiting for... Team 1, 2, 3, 4 and, 5's acts! This time, every team except Team 4 did a play. I'll tell you about my two personal favourites out of the 5 different teams. I enjoyed watching the short film that Team 4 made. It was a little remake of 'The Guardians of The Galaxy" except a different plot if I'm correct. I wouldn't know though, I haven't watched that movie before.

My next favourite was Term 5's act, aka, my team! Now, I didn't choose it as a favourite because it's my team, but because it was actually quite amusing. The Team 5 teachers put on a "The Magic School Bus" play. Yes, I'm talking about the book series for little kids where there's a teacher that makes the kids go into crazy places in her magic school bus.

Mr Moran played as the teacher, and the rest were kids. But the "kids" were from different planets, if I heard correctly. Which is weird for some "kids" but hey, there is a magic school bus that has a face and can transform into different vehicles, I'm not surprised that the kids are from different planets. However, I was disappointed when there was no Magic School Bus. They teleported to their destinations instead.

The teachers one by one, explained a few facts about the planet they were from.

Mrs Nua's act:

Team 4's act:

So that's it for this recap of the immersion assembly!
