
Thursday 30 May 2019

The Babbon mystery

In South Africa I was on a vacation with Adri and Nau.

It was a 2 week vacation.

During the first week Adri and I kept suspecting someone was using our balcony pool our pool wasn’t fenced off.

Adri and I collected 2 pieces of evidence items because Nau barely believed us.

1st clue. Huge splashes of water when we came back from the restaurant.

2nd clue. We found a piece of fur.

Adri and I showed both of the evidence to Nau but Nau still didn’t believe us!

“Come on Nau you have to believe us we already showed 2 pieces of evidence!” exclaimed Adri

“Yeah Nau come on” I said after Adri

“Nope I'm not going to believe you and that's the final answer "sighed Nau

“I know "said Adri "maybe we could set up security cameras so then if someone is using our pool we have good evidence but within 1 week and nothings caught on camera then your Nau but if there is something then were right”

So that's what they did”
6 days passed by Adri and I only had a day to prove the incident Adri was getting worried

“What if we were wrong! "said Adri breathing fast

“It's all right we still got today and tomorrow to prove it” I said trying to hide my nervousness

“Wait I got an idea if we don't catch anything tonight then tomorrow we can bring Nau and hide so then we could see if someone is using our pool!”

So that's what they did.

Adri, Nau and myself checked the security footage but there was nothing so tomorrow Adri and I will hide with Nau.

It was the next morning this was Adri and My last chance until Nau's right so they got changed into detective clothes.

It was time to get into detective mode!.

The girls hid inside their house and indeed they saw a furry little monster emerge out of the side of the building! The girls looked closely.

“Could it be a sheep?” said Nau

“Sheep's can't climb so no” Adri exclaimed "it could be an alien!”

“No, It can't be it wouldn’t be it shouldn't be!”

“Wait a minute that's,that's,that's a baboon!” and indeed I was correct!” “But what are they doing? They simply can’t be the ones using our pool” I said but they approached head first into the pool immediately I grabbed my swimsuit put it on and joined them “pool party!” I yelled as i splashed into the pool Adri shrugged her shoulders she knew there was nothing wrong with that so she dashed and grabbed her swimsuit and “I came in like a wrecking ball” Adri screamed Nau was the only one left so of course she did the same thing!. And we all got splashed and wet.
After that we dried ourselves of and had a disco party!.

The End.

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