
Tuesday 24 March 2020

My Super Power

You probably heard about superheros. Those superheros have different superpowers which are helpful, useful and very cool!

So today I will be telling you about the superpower I would love to have.

it’s so hard to choose! I have 2 in my mind though.

My 1st superpower would be teleportation.

My 2nd superpower would be super-speed.

I chose teleportation because if I was late for anything or wanted to get there early I could teleport and be there in a jiffy.

I also chose super-speed because if my mum told me to clean up a mess or my room then I could do it really quickly! I would also be able to run ultra fast.

If I had super-speed it would look like a blurry line because I am so fast! Super-speed for me would feel like teleportation at the same time because I would also be able to get places in a blink of the eye. Teleportation would feel so powerful. I could teleport anywhere; Like school, events or even just for fun!

With my super-speed I would help the world by running really quickly and help others. With my teleportation I can teleport to anywhere and help people!

In conclusion I think having these powers would be awesome because I can get anywhere rapidly and do anything. For super-speed I could win races and do so many awesome things!

Now what about you, what are your dream super-powers?

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