
Thursday 18 February 2021

Time Capsule

Welcome back or welcome to my blog!

This is my literacy task from in Level 3 yesterday as well and it is a Time Capsule! I had to write to someone in the future about Global Warming. 

Please leave a positive comment :)


 This time capsule will explain to someone in the future how global warming is affecting our world currently and what we are doing to try and solve some of the problems that are contributing to global warming, 

Hello to whoever is reading this in the future!

This is a Time Capsule that will explain how Global Warming is affecting the world currently and what we are attempting to do to try and solve some of the problems!

Global Warming is caused by riding an automobile, using heating or cooking food on a stove etc because, when we burn coal, oil, and gas to create energy, we are sending gases into the atmosphere! Those gases trap heat and that cause the planet’s temperature to rise..

We are trying to stop this from happening as experts believe that Global Warming causes natural disasters like wildfires! We are doing little things, one by one like using less energy and water. We are slowly preventing Global Warming by turning off lights and water when we’re not using them. We also try to walk instead of riding in cars when we can. Many people already currently use solar and wind power. This can lower the use of coal, oil, and gas!

I really hope that everybody in the future will do those things to so we can prevent Global Warming slowly! 

Here are a few questions for anybody reading this in the future:

-Is there more people visiting Mars now? 

-Are there any new technologies or devices?

-Is the world not polluted?

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