
Wednesday 20 May 2020

Darren Jarrett

Hey guys!
So today, my classmates and I are going to be learning about bungy jumping and Darren Jarrett. Darren Jarrett is a person that works in a bungy jumping area, he mostly bungy jumps with tourists. Darren Jarrett is 26 years old.

As you guys know, this week my classmates and I are learning about being kind, supportive and putting ourselves in others shoes (not literally but, you-know).
You may be like, "what does bungy jumping, tourists and Darren Jarrett have to do with that?"
Well, people like Darren who work for tourists that come to their country work for the tourists, right?

Well...people like him can't do that since airports and airplanes are closing. Tourists can't come now. People like Darren Jarrett, are worried they have to go out of buisness since they aren't earning enough money!


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